Saturday, March 14, 2015

The WAN Show - WHAT Was Apple THINKING?? with Guest Jon Rettinger! - Mar 13, 2015 Sponsors! Link: for a 10 day free trial Squarespace Link: - Offer code Linus to save 10% Join Dollar Shave Club: Soundcloud Link: Timestamps courtesy of Ghost (deadfire19), FlighterLuid, cloclo8003 & JJMC89 00:01:18 Apple Watch 00:11:04 New MacBook 00:25:19 John leaves the stream, plug for his channel 00:28:04 Intro 00:28:52 Additional Apple Event coverage 00:34:41 Apple Watch Editions 18k gold has, on a volume basis, less gold than regular 18k gold 00:39:40 AVG develops glasses that can protect the wearer’s identity from facial recognition software 00:42:37 AMD to benefit, over time, as China lifts ban on game console sales 00:45:20 Facebook “feeling fat” emoji is no longer 00:48:59 Apple’s ResearchKit did in 24 hours what would normally take 50 medical centers a year 00:54:32 Sponsor spot - 00:55:45 Sponsor spot - Squarespace 00:57:36 Sponsor spot - Dollar Shave Club 01:00:50 Valve was given a 'F' in customer service by the BBB 01:06:01 The SSD Endurance Experiment: Finally, They Are All Dead 01:12:41 New shirt design - "Sleep is for Pussies" - Ends 31/3/2015 - 01:15:06 [RUMOR] MediaTek to license AMD graphics 01:16:27 DirectX 12 AMD and NVIDIA Multi-GPU configurations confirmed 01:19:05 Shoutouts to everyone who posted topics used in this week's WAN Show 01:19:31 FCC released rules it intends to use to protect the “new” open internet - long-form document 01:20:12 New Chromebook Pixel + Star Citizen client to be around 100GB 01:20:23 Show wrapup
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Time: 01:23:13 More in Travel & Events

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